No ride ... new tire

No ride today but I did get a new tire!

I told you how I kept getting flats in the rear tire. When I finally took a good look at it, I saw that it was down to cord and had a hole clear through. Not good!

Plan for tomorrow, if the weather cooperates: change tire after work. Ride after supper. Probably not a long one because I am getting together with a friend of mine at 7 but a ride nonetheless!

I should probably get new brake pads too. I would like to have more stopping power than I've been getting lately. Especially when it's wet.

But I'm psyched today. New tire! Woo-hoo!

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  1. johandav Says:

    Hi again Gary!

    I'm thinking, I'm not in the "nifty 50" club until July. But it's encouraging to see there is living, breathing life beyond 49!

    Your friend on the pilgrim road,
