Why "Fun" and Fit?

Like many people, I have struggled with improving my fitness and losing weight over the years. I have tried many diets and exercise schemes with some initial success but after while I hit the wall. The wall consists of things like boredom and discouragement. Maybe an illness or travel for work interrupts my schedule and I lose ground and then lose heart.
Last year my wife convinced me to try downhill skiing. At that time I had been primarily going to the gym and not getting much out of it nor enjoying it much. Well I really got the skiing bug and we wound up going as much as we could that year. After the season was over, I really wanted to stay in shape until the next year of skiing. Especially since my quads were killing me. They were the limiting factor as to how long I could stay on the slopes. I read that biking was a good activity for off-season skiers so I got out my bike and started. We lived in a great area for biking and I really got into it. Also, I found that I had more motivation for going to the gym since it wasn't just training for training sake but it helped me on the bike. So I guess the long and the short of it is to find something that you enjoy doing first and foremost and the fitness will follow.

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