Fit test and VO2 Max

Yesterday (Sunday), I performed a "Fitness test". I used the "Rockport 1 Mile Walk Test" which is defined in the following manner:

  1. Warm up for 5 minutes.
  2. Begin walking as fast as possible for 1 mile.
  3. Record heart rate and elapsed time at end of mile

Then, using a formula, you calculate your VO2 Max level and thereby assess your level of fitness.

My heart-rate monitor (HRM) has a predefined function for this purpose. I used the local high school outdoor track for the test as it is a measured 1/4 mile.

My result, according to the HRM, was overall fitness level: AVE (average.)

The possible outcomes according to the HRM are poor, fair, average, good and elite.

I'm ok with this result. It seems about right for where I'm at.

At the end of the fit test, the HRM displayed "317 level". Nowhere is it explained what this means. VO2 Max is given in a range like 20 to 50 so that number doesn't fit that format. The manufacturer's web site doesn't explain it either. So I don't know what my VO2 Max is except in very general terms.

According to one website, "average", for men my age, equates to a VO2 Max of 25-37.9. So I will assume thats my range for now.

This was the first time I did this test. Next time, I will record my ET and ending HR for the test as there are VO2 Max calculators on the web that will work with these values along with weight, age and gender.

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