
My legs are toast! After that 3 hour ride yesterday. A 3 hour ride is generally no big deal to me so I was surprised at how fried I was. Maybe I've just forgotten how it feels since it's been so long since I'd done one. (first this year?)

All my rides lately have been 1 hour or under with few exceptions. After I got home from the ride I mowed the lawn and installed air conditioners in the house so that may have contributed to my fatigue.

It didn't seem that bad while I was riding. Even up to the end with it's couple of big hills.

Today, I felt was a good day to completely abstain from riding and to recover as much as possible but by suppertime I just didn't feel right. Kind of out of sorts. Couldn't clear the cobwebs out of my head. That sort of thing.

So I decided to take a recovery ride. The more I thought about it, the better I felt. But I promised myself "Real recovery ride". No hammering trying to catch somebody who passes me or trying to maintain a high cadence on the upside of the rollers.

I think I did pretty well for once. My average HR was 100 and I managed to keep it below that for much of the ride. I tried to keep my cadence above 80 rpms when possible without going too hard up the inclines.

The only thing that really needs a break is my seat! Maybe tomorrow I will just take a walk and work my arms at the gym!

I won't bore you with today's numbers. They're pretty unexciting, as they're intended to be.

Here is the route which I call "Meads - short loop". Only about 7 miles and change.

meads - short loop

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