No Sprint
Posted On Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at at 7:26 PM by MTB ManAs promised, I did not ride or go to the gym yesterday. No time. That's OK with me. If I can do 6 out of 7 I'm down wi' dat! And if life gets in the way so I can't do that, well, I'm not going to obsess over it. It was a nice, and I think, well deserved rest.
Today they were predicting possible violent storms in the afternoon so I thought I might wind up at the gym but it was almost clear skies when I got out of work although in the 90s.
But hey, no big deal. I rode a 100k when the temps were in the 90s with 3 broken spokes on my rear wheel. No big deal. And I'm in better shape now than I was then.
I rode one of my usual after work routes which all seem to end up traversing Mead's Lane. But I tried something a little different. Rather than doing 2, 3 or 4 all out, pedal to the metal sprints. I tried to find a pace I could sustain for a long distance. And that seemed to be about 88% MHR or 152 bpm. I maxed out at 159 bpm, 91% MHR. At that pace I was working pretty hard, I wasn't gasping for breath but huffin' and puffin' in a pretty consistent rhythm. I wouldn't be inclined to carry on a conversation, let's say.
That worked well. It's much more pleasant than those all out sprints and I got a pretty good average speed (for me) of 15.2 mph.
Now if I can just lose 20 lbs. I'll be flyin'! ;-)
Here are today's numbers:
And here is today's route:
meads - medium loop via poplar drive at EveryTrail
Map your trip with EveryTrail
I enjoyed rreading your post