
I did it again.

Today was a day with no expectation of getting any kind of workout in. I worked a little late plus I had a meeting at 5:30 to 7.

When I got out of the meeting at 7, hmm, it seemed a little bit light. Like I might have time for a quick ride.

So that's what I did. When I got back to the house, I changed in record time grabbed my gear and was moving on the bike by 7:09.

I took what I call the "short loop", 7.9 miles-ish, which of course traverses Meads Lane, one of my favorite roads.

Once again, as I did yesterday, I tried a high but not maxed effort over the 2 mile length of Meads. 152 bpm or higher which puts me in the 88% to 90% of maximum heart rate range. This is sustainable. At least over that distance. I hit a high of 159 bpm or 91% of max. Again, I'm not gasping for breath but breathing pretty hard and regular. Puffing, I call it. And my legs are working hard but not screaming for relief. I'm maintaining a good speed and cadence too. I'm liking this.

Here are today's numbers:

And here is the route:

meads - short loop

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