In Quest of Pain, the saga continues

Friday I was not sore so I took a moderate ride. This is the type of ride you're NOT supposed to take if you want to gain maximum benefit from your training.
When I say moderate what I mean is, I just did what I felt like without regard for any training considerations. I did it for fun, pure and simple.
What you're supposed to do is hit it really hard, as hard as you can bear and then for a day or 2 (or a week!) recover with easy rides or cross-training until the soreness goes away. Then hit it hard again.
Now, there is some benefit to the moderate ride that I'm talking about. Certainly you're burning calories and/or fat and you're keeping things limbered up.
I find it really hard to do the easy rides, as I've intimated before, because I'm used to enjoying a certain minimum speed and I like to stand out of the saddle and pedal to give my seat a break (and I don't mean the bicycle seat).
So I rode for an hour after work. This ride I dubbed "Bullock n Back" but now as I write this, I realized it's misnamed. I'm going to call it "Orchard n Back" because while I intended to ride straight out to Bullock Road for a half hour and back because I only had an hour to ride, I only got to the top of Orchard Hill in 1/2 hour. As I get faster, and when I have more time, I will make it to Bullock Road, so, on second thought, I'll keep the name. It's goal oriented! ;-)
I'm thinking out loud aren't I?

And today I'm sore! Hooray! Today's workout? I mowed the lawn for 1/2 hour. I wore my heart rate monitor. Average HR: 109, Max HR:118, calories 226.

Here is "Bullock n Back" as mapped by my wonderful new free GPS app for the blackberry "Every Trail" which I love because it works!:

bullock n back at EveryTrail

Map your trip with EveryTrail

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