Can't brag about this one!

Today I rode with my friend Brad and his wife Jaime and their 2 little kids. Brad and Jaime were on a tandem mountain bike and the kids were being towed in a trailer. Brad was the "puller". The bike alone weighs about 50lbs.

It was an easy ride for me. With their weight, they made good time going down hills but of course were much slower going up. Brad was a pretty good racer with an Air Force team in Italy a few years back but he's out of training now but I have to give him credit. We went up Orchard hill which isn't that long but it has a few steep sections. I certainly couldn't have done what he did. Nor would I even attempt it. ;-)

Brad and Jaime are planning on doing the tandem thing with the kids in the trailer for a 50 mile benefit for Love146 which I will also be doing so that's what they're training for.

They usually do a 26 miler but after orchard hill Brad was fried and opted to turn back with me. I wound up doing 19 miles and had a really invigorating but not too hard ride.

I hurt for Brad. He's very ambitious attempting this. Of course he's only 28 but you can still hurt yourself.

Here are my numbers:

Here is the route we took:

Voorheesville 1-1/2 hr. loop

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