Why I like to read

It's really great to get reminders and encouragement from various sources. One of them being authors. I'm in the middle of reading Joe Friel's The Cyclists Training Bible and I am reminded to cross train and build up slowly during the winter season. I have been getting a little hyper about "real" bike riding as it's so much fun and so much easier to train on a real bike on a real road! After a messy winter here in the northeast I am itching to get out there and I have, in fact, been able to get out on a few nice and not so nice days but then we have had some nasty weather again and I'm frustrated and feel I'm not getting my "proper" training in. So reading Joe Friel today about periodization and the base period, which I am currently in, helped me to relax about going back in to the gym and even not worry that I didn't get an upright bike (which is most like what I ride) and had to use the recumbent. It's actually good to cross train and maybe even use the elliptical, the rowing machine or the treadmill plus a little strength training with the free weights.
It's good to have a reality check once in a while even if I don't have a real live coach!

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