21 Days

They say it takes 21 days to either break or establish a habit. That's probably an arbitrary number but the concept is valid. Through repetition we establish neural pathways in the desired direction while causing old ones that we don't want to become less compelling through disuse.
I'm going to take a big step here and make an attempt at changing a much loved but harmful pattern ... bedtime snacks!
It's one of my great pleasures to kick back with a book and munch away.
But I really need to lose some weight. I know I'm feeling the extra poundage both in terms of energy level and in the stiffness and discomfort in my joints. Not to mention the extra company I feel when I bend over to tie my shoes. I don't like feeling like an old man (I'll be 65 in February).
Now, the holidays are coming up, in fact are already upon us and I'm not proposing to change anything about that, just the bedtime snacking. I'll enjoy holiday dinners and parties without thinking too much about it and I'll have a reasonable serving of dessert after dinner. Just see how it goes.

It's Day 2.

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