Ski Saturday at Stratton VT!

Today was a ski day. Stratton Mtn in VT gives away 10,000 lift tickets per season and my wife and I each got one. That's how we ski. As close to $0 as possible!
Well, as I am wont to say, it was a very educational day. Educational is my euphemism for a bad time. Actually, it wasn't really a bad day. I had a great time. But we got off to a rough start.
Lesson learned #1: don't show up late to a popular resort on a weekend the day after a big snowstorm.
We usually ski on Mondays but this Monday didn't look too good weather-wise ... sleet. Not too much fun in the face while riding the lift. So we went today. But because of an early morning committment we were not able to leave until 9AM and it is a 2 hour ride to the resort. When we did finally get there, parking lots 1 and 2 were filled and the third was at Sun Bowl which is a side of the mountain we had never been to before and even there it was packed! The lodge was a real zoo by 11 with no room to move or put our stuff.
Lesson #2: get your problems fixed BEFORE getting to the slope.
My wife had been having trouble clicking into her bindings the last couple of times we went out but this time she absolutely could not get into one of the skis. So we took off our skis and trotted back to the rental shop (which was absolutely packed) to try to get the bindings adjusted. I got a little pushy here and inserted myself into the queue. Fortunately we got a cooperative tech who adjusted the bindings quickly for us, no charge.

We finally got on the lift and made our first run. We're still looking for green trails at least for the warm-up runs. The conditions were difficult for us. There were several inches of fairly dry powder but the trail was really narrow and rough from use. Because of conditions and the fact that we were overdressed, we really got totally drenched with sweat and really tired out. We also didn't have any water with us so we thought we'd go back to the lodge, drink a bunch of water and regroup. I decided to go back out and scope out a different run. This was a short section of blue trail that had become essentially a field of moguls on a steep, wide trail. I wound up doing traverses back and forth across the slope and I did alright with that approach. Most of the other skiers seemed to be having the same problem with it. They were standing around wondering what their next move was going to be.
Anyhow, the long and the short of it was that it seemed to be an easier run that the first one possibly because the trails were mostly wider. I did this run a couple more times and I really kind of got to enjoy the moguls once I figured out how to ski between them. I really beat up my knees though. Don't want to do that too often. Was a good workout. Should have worn my heart rate monitor. Anyway, here are the pics:
This is the top of the "mogul field". Trail name was "Way Home". You can't see the moguls from here.

'Nother view

Another shot of the top of "Way Home"

This section gave me some trouble, choppy, fast and narrow (for me anyway)

White out from the lift! We were getting squalls off and on all day interspersed with bright sunshine!

More white out!

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