Healthy life style or ... Obsession?

3 yrs ago when I started cycling seriously, I put in 4000 miles. The next year, 2000. This year I may not make it to 2000. What of it?
I think initially I expected to exercise enough to lose weight without changing my eating habits. Now that reality has set in I have accepted that that will not be the case.
Unless you are a professional, competitive athlete you will not be able to do that. You will have to eat less to lose weight.
So what's the other reason to ride a lot? The high. It feels really, really good to give it your all on several hours of riding. You get in the "zone" and it seems like you can go on forever. You are a machine with endorphins bathing your brain.
This is where people get into trouble ... with their health, their relationships. They exercise to the point of physical breakdown. Or their relationships go downhill for want of time spent tending to them.
So I guess I'm OK with doing 2000 miles or less per year. But I'm still going to have to reign in my eating habits!

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  1. Fitness Freak Says:

    Good that you have confessed that you are not able to loose weight because of your eating habits, and not putting the blame on your fitness program, Definitely cycling/Fitness will have some influence on your body, ultimately is is our eating habits which decides our weight.

  2. Melinda Says:

    Like you, I have come to terms with the fact that working out is not the magical weight loss remedy I had hoped it would unfair!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Very good post. I also ride from 1500 to 2000 miles a year. I took last week off to work on the house and take care of chores that I have been putting off. I hate to say it but it felt good not to be worried about when to ride. I have just been pushing a bit too hard. My weight stays about the same, 5 to 8 lbs swing. I really enjoy your blog. We do a lot of the same things and a similar attitude on cycling. But then you are faster than me Great job on the 50 mile ride. Later.

  4. MTB Man Says:

    Thanks for commenting, everybody!

  5. MTB Man Says:

    It's hard to understand that since you ARE burning more calories than if you're not exercising. But that's what all the authorities say.

  6. MTB Man Says:

    I agree. It does seem unfair! :-(

  7. MTB Man Says:

    Thanks. As far as speed goes, I am very pleased with myself. When I started out 3 or 4 years ago, I was only averaging 10mph on my mtn. Bike. Then I bought a road bike and over the years my average has gone up.