The Promise of Snow ...

... and the disappointment of rain!

This has been a sore point for me since I first started x-c skiing in my 20s in southern New Hampshire.

The first year I started x-c skiing I worked on a dairy farm. In the winter, especially if it snowed that day, I would knock off in the early afternoon, 2 or 2:30PM. Then I was free to go skiing. There was a nice place with tracked and groomed trails only 3 miles away.

But I was right on the NH/Mass. border and the snowline ran across the southern border of Vermont and then when it crossed into NH would jump north, just missing us.

So frequently it would start snowing in the AM and then by the time I was free in the afternoon change to rain because we were below this "snow line". Frustrating!

We are running into the same thing here in the upstate NY/western MA area. First snow then changing to rain. Messing things up.

Yes, I know: "Get a life", there are lots worse things to worry about.

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