5 ° bike ride

I'd like to claim hardiness (or FOOL-hardiness) but I can't.

Yes, I rode my bike today and yes it was only 5° out.

But the only reason was ... my car wouldn't start!

I was about to leave for church and turned the key in the ignition and ... nothing.

Well, nothing substantial. The lights all came on and there was a pitiful rapidfire di-di-di-di from the starter but no engine turnover.

It didn't really feel that cold, no wind, and the roads were clear so I hopped on the old Ross MTB.

Shoulda gone back in for the face mask, though. That wind chill once you start moving on the bike is a killer!

Outside of the frozen face, though, it was OK. Kind of inspired me. "Hey, I can keep riding all winter long."

At least on the weekends when I have some daylight to work with. In just a few weeks I should have enough light after work to do some riding on weekdays too.

Later today Mrs. MTBMan1 and I took a walk at Five Rivers, the local Dept. of Environmental Conservation woodland park with miles of trails.

Here are a few pics from the walk:

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