Ski Day 11 - Bosquet

The problem every year is what to do during president's week break. My limit for a lift ticket is $30 and nobody is giving any breaks during holidays. Can't blame them. Except for Bosquet in Pittsfield Massachusetts. While their daytime rates are at holiday levels ($42 - not bad) they still have $20 night skiing from 3 to 9. Actually $25 because they are using an electronic system where you have to buy an access card for $5 the first time you ski for the season.
A bonus for night skiing is that you lose the crowds. It was very peaceful by about 6:30PM.
I had a good 2 to 2-1/2 hours of daylight. I tried several trails just to get the lay of the land. Jewett, a black diamond, wasn't bad but a little narrow with some icy spots. I'll take a pass on a second run because of conditions.
Roberto's was terrible. Steep, bumps, ice. Bad combination. Not fun. About half way down I did a sit-down and slid the rest of the way almost to the bottom. Next.
I pretty much settled on Grand for the remainder of the night. Upper is black diamond but it's wide and consistent. No icy spots at all. I was able to relax and hit it.
From the top, access to the rest of the mountain besides the aforementioned Jewett and Roberto's is via Easy Rider. There was an icy spot right down the middle and i wrenched my bad right shoulder twice when i hit it, trying to compensate. I found that if i skied on the left side of that trail there was a nice powder stash where everybody riding the middle threw snow. Nice and soft. So I had my favorite run for the night. Left side of Easy Rider, then Grand. Sweet.

Here are a couple of youtube links of videos i did of the day:

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